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Country Year Title Short Description Client
Ghana 2021 - 2025 GARID Component 3: Preparation of Community Facilitation, Planning, Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Designs for Three Low-Income Communities (PART 1) and Contract’s management/Supervision of Works (PART 2)

The infrastructures of the low-income communities object of the assignment are: road, drainage, on site sanitation systems for residential and public, solid waste collection, business plan for the Feacal and solid waste management, including the collection and treatment, delivery mechanism and new approach for emptying of the On site Sanitation systems.

Ministry of Works and Housing - Ghana
Indonesia 2021 - 2025 Consulting Services for Implementation Consultant (IC) Spam Regional Wosusokas, Indonesia – ODA funded by KfWv

The Government of Indonesia has secured Loan from German Financial Cooperation (KfW) for implementation Regional Water Supply System, with the aim to provide adequate, safe and cost-effective water supply services to underserved urban and peri-urban centres of Wosusokas area, in compliance to the Government Regulation (PP) No . 122 of 2015 concerning Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM). The Consultancy services aims are the Detailed design review (10 months), tender documents preparation for no. 5 works packages (2 months) and supervision and Contract management (36 months)

Ministry of Public Works and Housing Water Development
Ethiopia 2022 - 2025 Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for Water Resources Development Fund (WRDF) and no. 6 Town Water Utilities (TWUs): 1) Fiche ( ፍቸ ), 2) Burayu ( ቡራዩ ), 3) Butajira ( ቡታጅራ ), 4) Hosaena ( ሆሣዕና ), 5) Arerti ( አረርቲ ), 6) Injibara ( እንጅባራ )

The Water Resource Development Fund (WRDF) was established by the government in 2002 with proclamation no. 268/2002, to serve as a financial wing of the sector, with a major responsibility of centrally administering & mobilizing financial resources, as indicated in its proclamation, grants and loans from foreign governments and international donor agencies and budgetary allocations by the Federal Government and other sources. Thus, WRDF is mandated to play big role in financing urban water supply projects, sanitation projects and irrigation development schemes, through granting long term loan on the basis of cost recovery principle. And it collects loan repayments from its borrowers in due time and use it to build up its revolving fund, which is eventually anticipated to serve as the Water Bank. However, so far WRDF has not been exercising a separate sanitation project financing and implementation due to absence of clear regulation, mandate and procedures on sanitation implementation.

Rwanda 2019 - 2023 Assessment and Supervision of Works for the Water Quality and Efficiency Improvement for Rural Water Supply Piped Schemes

The key objectives of the assignment is to perform the assessment of the current status of about 350 rural water schemes dislocates in 22 Rwandan Districts to determine the allocation of water meters and chlorination units, developing the most cost-effective detailed study and developing final designs with drawings, construction details and supervision of works

Water and Sanitation Corporation limited-WASAC Ltd AfDB
Malawi 2020 - 2023 Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design, and Construction Supervision and Verification of Household Sanitation Facilities in Lilongwe

The assignment scope is to support institutional capacity strengthening activities to improve the operation and maintenance of the sanitation infrastructure, as well as the reforms needed to promote and provide sustainable, safely managed sanitation services in Lilongwe.

Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) and Lilongwe City Council (LCC) WB
Zambia 2022 - 2023 INTEGRATED AND SUSTAINABLE URBAN SANITATION PROGRAMME. Consultancy services for Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Designs

The Purpose of the project is to increase access to safely managed on-site sanitation services in selected urban and peri urban areas in Zambia. The project will support stakeholder consultations and feasibility studies, including baseline, stakeholder and institutional assessments, preparation of engineering designs and investment plans for faecal sludge management along the value chain (storage, transportation, treatment, disposal or reuse). The results of the studies and designs will support effort to mobilize resources downstream investments.

The project will be implemented in Lusaka, Livingstone, Choma, Ndola, Petauke, Chavuma, Mansa, Kapiri-Mposhi, Kabwe, Solwezi, Kasama and Chipata. The project will also seek to improve the capacity of the beneficiary utility companies through stakeholder and needs assessments. The project will benefit about 2,400,000 people out of which more than 50 percent will be women and 30 % are the urban poor.


The overall objective of the assignment is to provide consultancy services for the Urban Sanitation Project focusing on detailed technical studies and designs for OSS and FSTPs to be implemented in cities of Tete and Quelimane, which comprise: Engineering Design of Sanitation Infrastructures (Toilets for Household Sanitation, Public Toilets and Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants), including the detailed developing faecal sludge management business in Tete and Quelimane

Cabinet EDE International (for the Technical Assistance Hub – Africa funded by the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation)
Italy 2019 - 2021 Detailed Design of Sewerage System of Ponte Ladrone Lot II

Detailed Design of Sewerage System of Ponte Ladrone II Lot (approx. 150.000 inhabitants) includes 3,0 km (ND 1200mm-1800mm) of which 2,3 km realized by microtunnelling, a pumping station (600 kW) and an some underpasses of railways, roads and rivers.

Acea ATO2 (ACEA Holding)
Italy 2019 - 2021 Rehabilitation and upgrade of Montemesola WWTP in Puglia region

The aim is to prepare the Final and Detailed Design of the rehabilitation and upgrade of Montemesola WWTP (1.600 m3/d). The project provides the process calculations and the structural design of the new Pre-treatment, Oxidation -Nitrification and sludge Stabilization tanks, and the rehabilitation of the existing tanks (Secondary sedimentation and Disinfection).

AQP - Acquedotto Pugliese
Uganda 2020 - 2021 Contract for Consultancy Services for Feasibility Studies and Detailed Design of Faecal Sludge Service Chain Management in Selected Un-Sewered Urban Centers in Uganda Covering North and Eastern Towns of Moyo, Patongo, Adjumani, Namutumba And Kapchorwa (Assignment 2)

The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct feasibility studies and prepare detailed designs for sustainable delivery and access to inclusive sanitation and faecal sludge chain management services that will contribute to improved public and environmental health, productivity and living conditions of selected un-sewered urban centers in Uganda.
The specific objectives of the consultancy assignment are:
To conduct feasibility studies and prepare detailed designs for provision of sustainable access to faecal sludge management infrastructure and services in five (5) selected un-sewered urban clusters in Uganda.
To provide a basis for the mobilization of adequate resources for future investments.

Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) AfDB
Zimbabwe 2019 - 2021 Smallholder irrigation Revitalization Programme (SIRP). Feasability Study, Detail Design and Supervision of works

The objective of the SIRP is to increase agricultural production and productivity by the smallholder farmers in the pre-selected irrigation schemes and by the households in the dryland or rain-fed areas considered as the greater scheme areas in the assignment. Smallholder irrigation Revitalization Programme

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement. IFAD
Nepal 2018 - 2020 Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project- Additional Financing (KVWSIP-AF) LOAN – 3255 NEP. Updating Capital Investment and Asset Management Plan (CIAMP 01)

Master Plan – The key objective of the consulting service is to update CIAMP to help optimize water supply and wastewater infrastructure for providing realistic level of service delivery to the people, considering social, economic, institutional and environmental factors, and provide a roadmap to 2050 for phased investments for the rehabilitation, expansion and augmentation of water supply and wastewater services in all the municipalities of the Kathmandu Valley.

Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Management Board The World Bank
Kenya 2015 - 2019 Supervision of Works and Safety Coordination in Execution Phase for Reabilitation of Water and Sanitation Systems of Kirandich Basin and Capacity Building

The project is made of three components: Water Supply systems for Kabarnet town; Sewerage system and waste water management plant in Kabarnet; Extraordinary rehabilitation of Kirandich rockfill dam. Supervision of Works according to the Contract, Quality control of Works carried out; Cost Control of the Civil Works Contract; Taking-over of the completed Works; Health and Safety control on sites and the Environmental issues and Capacity Building in Training of Personnel to strengthen the capabilities of technical staff. EIA and EMP preparation.

Rift Valley Water Services Board AICS
Belarus 2016 - 2019 Technical Assistance in: (i) Management and Supervision of the FIDIC type Civil Works contract (-s) for the project component “Construction of the main sewerage collector in Mogilev town”, (ii) Training of the Employer’s Personnel to work under FIDIC procedures.

The objective of this assignment is to provide technical consulting for the FIDIC management of the Project and training services to the Client’s Personnel and the relevant Supervision Bodies involved in FIDIC type contract(s) execution. Task 1. Consultancy Services for the purpose of FIDIC type Civil Works Contract(s) Supervision and Management; Task 2. Training of Personnel to work in accordance with FIDIC procedures.

Unitary Manufacturing Utility Enterprise “Mogilevoblvodokanal” The World Bank
Vietnam 2017 - 2019 Viet Nam Water Sector Investment Program Multi-Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) – Water Supply System for, Dien Ngoc Urban areas. Supervision of Works (ADB Loan No. 3251-VIE)

The supervision of works includes two main investment components: Component 1: Construction of water supply system Dien Nam Dien Ngoc urban area; (vi) Component 2: Expansion of Tam Hiep water supply system.

Quang Nam Water Supply and Drainage Joint Stock Company. The World Bank
Albania 2017 - 2019 Technical Assistance to the National Agency of Water Supply and Sanitation systems (AKUK) of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures, Tirana (Albania)

The activities includes: Tender Dossiers revision; Technical Assistance during tendering phase; Monitoring the Design preparation and audit the performances of the Designer; Monitoring the Supervision of Works activities and Safety coordination; Handing over assistance; Technical Assistance during the Defect Liability Period.

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures - National Agency of Water Supply and Sanitation systems AICS
Chad 2018 - 2019 “Millennium Development Goals Initiative: Water Supply and Sanitation” – Part 2 FWC SIEA 2018- LOT 2 : Infrastructure, sustainable growth and jobs

The project is aimed at the establishment, in a sustainable and equitable manner, of basic services of water supply and sanitation in six urban centers in Chad (Tot. 110,000 inhabitants). It will also contribute to strengthening the institutional framework through technical assistance to the Chadian Ministry of Environment, Water and Fisheries for the implementation of project activities as the Public Contracting Authority. Monitoring, control and supervision of works for water supply and sanitation networks in the six cities. Surveys and census of households interested in connecting to private connections.

Délégation de l’Union Européenne au Tchad
Italy 2019 - 2019 Rehabilitation and upgrade of Monte Madonna Basso Reservoir in Formello (Rome District)

The main task of the project is the enlargement of the existing old reservoir with a new underground tank with a capacity of 2.000 m3, the realization of a new pumping station, and the rehabilitation of 1 km of distribution pipeline

Acea ATO2 (ACEA Holding)
Italy 2018 - 2018 Treatment of odour of sludge treatment line in Roma Sud WWTP

The assignment is the design of 6 (six) different treatments of odour dedicated to pre-treatment, sludge thickening, and dewatering tanks for a total flow rate of 35.000 Nm3/h using scrubber and biofilters.

Acea ATO2 (ACEA Holding)
Vietnam 2014 - 2017 Camau city sanitation system project – phase 1

Detail Design and Supervision of the Ca Mau Sanitation Project (133 km system pipeand 25 pumping stations in rehabilitation) – Costruction of a new WWTP (8.000 m3/day)

Camau sanitation project management unit AICS
Chad 2016 Support for the implementation of activities of the access program to water supply and sanitation EDF 10emme (PAEPA)

Support Action stakeholders in the monitoring and implementation of program activities, including the monitoring of: the recommendations of the technical and financial audit mission; the recommendations of the various meetings Steering Committee, Operational Monitoring Committee (CSO) and bi-monthly follow-up meetings); preparation of program indicators.
Ensure the design of monitoring tools recommendations and program indicators; Contribute in the Water sector in OMD program, and specifically in the monitoring context of regular audit recommendations. Supporting the OMDs program will be secondary to the support given to the PAEPA program.

Support for the implementation of activities of the access program to water supply and sanitation EDF 10emme (PAEPA)
Kosovo 2016 Kosovo: Provision of A&E Services for Water Capabilities and Water Well, Camp Novo Selo

The activity includes the execution of geological survey and water well stress tests suitable to verify the quality and quantity of the water wells, capable to meet the increasing demand for water by the camp population. The survey/site assessment includes investigative works and tests.

NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)
Saint Martin 2015 - 2016 Technical Assistance to the Government of St. Maarten for the programming of the 11th EDF. FWC BENEF 2013 Lot 2 – Transport and Infrastructures

Technical Support to the St. Maarten Government concerning a joint funding of centralised wastewater treatment facility in the Cole Bay area, and to provide timely preparation and submission of programming documents (Draft Identification Fiche and Action Document) that may lead to the commitment of EDF funds.

European Commission - DEVCO G 02
Montenegro 2015 Technical Assistance for the Provision of Cost Benefit Analyses for Water and Wastewater Management in Municipalities Bijelo Polje and Cetinje

Review and analysis of the documentation provided, concecptal design, pryority investments, preliminary costs and layouts, preparation of Cost-benefi Analyses.

EU funded project managed by EU Delegation to Montenegro
Chad 2014 - 2015 Feasibility study, final design and tender documents preparation for the construction works of the water supply systems of n° 7 town/villages. FWC BENEF 2013 Lot 2 – Transport and Infrastructures.

Feasibility study, final design and tender documents preparation for the construction works of the water supply systems of n° 7 town/villages of Republique of Tchad, in particular Abougoudam, Goz Beida, Ba Illi, Linia, Bere, Bebedja, Bedjondo

Délégation de l’Union Européenne au Tchad
Italy 2013 Rehabilitation of the Faggiano WWTP

Final Design of the rehabilitation works of the Faggiano Town (TA), 1,500 cum/day, preliminary, secondary and tertiary treatment

Aquedotto Pugliese AQP
Moldova 2010-2013 Rehabilitation/improvement of water supply and sewer system in some selected urban and rural municipalities.

Supervision of the Contracts for civil and ellectomechanical works within the framework of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Project: ehabilitation/improvement of water supply and sewer system in three (3) urban municipalities (Cahul, Causeni and Ungheni), and twenty three (23) rural communities spread over Moldavian territory.

Water Supply and Sanitation Projects Implementation Unit The World Bank
Moldova 2010-2013 Detail Design of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Effluent Sewer Collector in Orhei

Detailed Design and Supervision of Works for construction of Orhei WWTP for an overall capacity of 35.000 inhb.The investment for the rehabilitation consist in the construction of a new Wastewater Treatment plant (35.000 PE – 6.000 m3/day) with natural schemes (wetland) and 1,5 km effluent main.

The World BankWater Supply and Sanitation Projects Implementation Unit, The World Bank
Moldova 2010-2013 Rehabilitation/improvement of water supply and sewer system in some selected urban and rural municipalities..

Detailed Design and Supervision of civil and electromechanical works within the framework of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The civil work includes the rehabilitation/improvement of water supply and sewer system in the three (3) urban municipalities (Cahul, Causeni and Ungheni), and twenty three (23) rural communities spread over Moldavian territory.

Water Supply and Sanitation Projects Implementation Unit The World Bank
Italy 2009-2013 Detailed design of Drainage System for Putignano Town

Final design for the construction of the Putignano’s WWTP out let pipeline. The diameter shall be DN 500 for a total length of 19 km and the material selected is GRP. The project includes a Pumping station for the maximum design flow rate of 150 l/s and an hydraulic disconnector.

AQP - Acquedotto Pugliese Spa
Afghanistan 2011 - 2012 Technical Assistence for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The overall objective of the project is the provision of consultancy to develop a deeper understanding on the Afghanistan’s rural water sector development needs and recommend actions to improve the sector and its agencies’ performance to deliver services to the communities using “CDD approach” (that include institutional systems, monitoring systems, participation of community etc).

WB - IBRD/International Finance Corporation
Italy 2012 WWTP for the Artena and Palestrina Towns

Final design for the implementation and rehabilitation of the existing sewage treatment plants in Artena and Palestrina towns for a total of 30,000 P.E. The design includes, but is not limited to the rehbilitation of primary, secondary and tertiary process units, including electrical and SCADA system.

Cape Vert 2010-2011 Detail Design of the Rehabilitation and Upgrade of Water Supply System in Fogo Island

Rehabilitation and upgrading of the water supply system of the island able to cope with long term water requirement up to horizon year 2040. The project includes main water conveyance system 77,2 km extension (HDPE/Steel pipes dia. 250÷100 mm) and rehabilitation of the main Pumping stations (over 140 KW) and new water storage reservoirs for a total volume of 1,300 m3.

Water Utility Aguabrava
India 2008 - 2009 Water Supply and Solid Waste Management in 16 selected Towns in West Bengal (Kolkata)

Detailed design and Construction Supervision of water supply and solid waste management in selected 16 Municipalities of West Bengal. The works includes of drinking water supply system from deep tube wells and distribution pipelines, and the collection and disposal of solid waste over 16 towns for a of total of 1,000,000 inhb. served.

MED Directorate Department of Municipal Affairs of Goverment of West Bengal (Kolkata) AICS
Italy 2008 - 2009 Technical assistance to the ACEA SpA water utility (water projects), Italy

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water and wastewater projects in the Lazio District. The TA included full Design and Tender Dossiers preparartion in water and wastewater sectors (Years 2008-2009.

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Moldova 2008 - 2009 Sewer system rehabilitation and WWTP construction in the Soroca town (Soroca)

Detail Design, Bidding Documents and related Supervision of Works for the extension of the Soroca Town sanitation system. The works included the rehabilitation and extension of sewer system (53 km extension) and the construction of the related Wastewater Treatment Plant based on Constructed Treatment Wetland technology (20,000 PE).

Agentia "Apele Moldovei" (Chisinau), The World Bank
Italy 2007 - 2008 Technical Assistance to the AQP water utility (Bari)

Technical Assistance for the preparation of wastewater improvement projects in the Provinces of (Lot 1) Brindisi and Taranto and, (Lot 2) Lecce Province (Puglia Region).

AQP Acquedotto Pugliese (Bari, Italy)
Italy 2007 - 2008 Technical Assistance to the AQP water utility (Bari)

Technical Assistance for the preparation of water supply & sewerage projects in the Province of Lecce (Puglia Region).

AQP Acquedotto Pugliese (Bari, Italy)
Hungary 2004 - 2008 Technical Assistance for rewiew of sewage, WWTP and drinking water quality improvement programme documents supported by Cohesion Fund

Technical assistance for the preparation of sewerage and wastewater treatment and drinking water quality improvement projects in Hungary for the period 2004-2006 and ensure technically effective and economical implementation of the projects. The TA included full preparation of application form (AF) as well as supporting documents for each project in compliance with EU directives, and preparation of tender dossiers.

Europe Aid-Cohesion Fund
Albania 2007 - 2008 Technical Assistance to the Berlinwasser International water utility (Albania)

Technical assistance for the rehabilitation and improvement of the water and sewerage systems of the Durres, Lezhe, Fier and Saranda Towns. The TA included full Design and Tender Dossiers preparartion as well as Supervision of Works activities.

Berlinwasser International, The World Bank
Estonia 2007- 2008 Design of extension and reconstruction of Kothla-Järve area sewerage

Final Design and Tender Document preparation for the KJ area sewer system rehabilitation and extension. The Design includes the construction of 53 km of sewage and storm water pipelines and the consruction/rehabilitation of nos. 17 pumping stations.

Järve Biopuhastus OÜ/Europe Aid
Georgia 2008 Feasibility Study of Tskaltubo water supply system (Tskaltubo)

Support for the preparartion of the Feasibility Study of Tskaltubo water supply scheme.

HYDEA srl (Florence, Italy)
Jordan 2004 - 2008 Jiza & Talbiyah Wastewater Treatment Plant (50,000 inhab.)

Supervision of Works for the construction of the Jiza Wastewater Treatment Plant with average daily flow capacity of 4,000 m3/day including in-let mian trunk sewer pipeline (2.95 Km).

Water Authority of Jordan (Amman, Jordan) AICS
Italy 2006 - 2007 Community Works Plan II

Technical Assistance programme for the implementation of small scale hydraulic and road infrastructures projects.

ADF. Albanian Development Fund, The World Bank
Italy 2005 - 2007 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)


ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2006 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water & wastewater projects in the Lazio District (Year 2006).

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2006 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water & wastewater projects in the Lazio District (Year 2006).

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2005 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water & wastewater projects in the Lazio District (Year 2005).

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2005 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water & wastewater projects in the Lazio District (Year 2005).

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2004 - 2005 Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage System Rehabilitation Work (Tirana-Albania)

The project entails the Preliminary and Final design of the Tirana selected water supply and sewerage systems remedial works.The Lot 2 project includes the rehabilitation of the following main selected sewage facilities: Goge, Irfan Tomini, Selita areas.

Tirana Acque scarl (Tirana, Albania), ACEA spa
Montenegro 2005 Montenegro Sustainable Tourism Development

Assessment of the Feasibility of the priority investment in the Water and Wastewater sector for the Montenegro coastal sustainable Tourism Development. The works included the study of the regional costal water supply scheme (700,000 inhab.), and the study for a new wastewater collection and treatment system for Ulcinj town (80,000 PE) and the rehabilitation of Podgorica existing WWTP (150,000 PE).

PE Regionalni Vodovod Crnogorsko Primorje, The World Bank
Albania 2004 -2005 Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage System Rehabilitation Work (Tirana-Albania)

The project entails the Preliminary and Final design of the Tirana existing water supply and sewerage systems remedial works.The Lot 1 project includes the rehabilitation of the following main selected water supply facilities: drinking water springs areas (Shen Meri, Selita and Bovilla) and Tirana main water storage system (i.e. Tirana Tank, Partitari, Kinostudio, Pupil, Kombinat and Brigade palate water tanks).

Tirana Acque scarl (Tirana, Albania), ACEA spa
Estonia 2005 Technical assistence for Vaana River Basin Water Management Project

Preliminary design of the wastewater treatment plant of the Metsanurme, Suurupi, Killi, Huruu and Paekna cities (25,000 PE), to protect the Vaana River by urban pollution discharge.

HYDEA srl (Florence, Italy)
Albania 2005 Shen Meri-Qaf Molle Water System Rehabilitation

Preliminary Design, Final Design and Tender Documents preparation for the rehabilitation of Shen Mery-Qaf Molle water supply pipe line (DN 700 mm).

Albanian Ministry of Territory ad Adjustment (Tirana, Albania) AICS
Albania 2003 -2005 Technical Assessment and Final Design for coastal Wastewater Treatment Plants

Feasibility Study and Final Design of WWTP’s facilities for the coastal cities of Durres, Lezhe and Saranda (340,000 inhab.).

Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Angola 2003 - 2005 Abastecimento e uso comunitário da agua e saneamento residual dos bairros suburbanos de Luanda (Luanda)

Feasibility study and Detailed Design of the water supply and sewerage system of the “bairro suburbanos” of the Luanda town (750,000 inhab.).

European Development Fund
Italy 2005 Locone Water Supply System (Bari)

Final Design of Locone water supply pipeline (DN 1600 mm, approx. 40 km length).

AQP Water Authority (Bari, Italy)
Italy 2004 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water & wastewater projects in the Lazio District (Year 2004).

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2004 Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

Technical Assistance Program to the ACEA spa water utility in the implementation of water & wastewater projects in the Lazio District (Year 2004).

ACEA spa (Rome, Italy)
Angola 2003 Project de Drenagem de Agues pluviais de Cazenga-Cariango (Luanda)

Supervision of works of Surface Drainage system of Cazenga-Cariango area in the Luanda town (2,000 Ha).

Comissariado Provincial de Luanda (Luanda, Angola)
Italy 2003 Rehabilitation programme of the Rome town combined sewerage network (Rome), Italy

Detailed Design and Tender Document of the combined sewerage network rehabilitation project of the area Prima Porta S. Isidodo (approx. 50,000 inhab.).

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2003 Rehabilitation Programme of the Rome town combined sewerage network (Rome)

Final Design and on-site Technical Assistance for the Nord-Ovest main collector.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2003 Rehabilitation programme of the Rome town combined sewerage network (Rome), Italy

Detailed Design and Tender Document of the combined sewerage network rehabilitation project of the areas Massimina, Labaro, Ponte Ladrone (approx. 30,000 inhab.).

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2002 Rehabilitation Programme of the Rome town combined sewerage network (Rome)

Final Design and on-site Technical Assistance for the Nord-Ovest main collector.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 2000 Travertine quarry area drainage system (Tivoli)

Feasibility study and detailed design of the drainage system and flood control works (Lots I, II and III).

Consorzio Produttori Travertino (Tivoli, Italy)
Ecuador 2000 Estudos de Evaluation del Impacto Ambiental de la segunda etapa de los Planes Maetros de Agua potable y Saneamiento de Cuenca (Cuenca)

Environmental Impact Appraisal of the II phase of Planes Maestro de Agua potable y Saneamiento de Cuenca.The Master Plan includes the rehabilitation of the water supply and sewerage system of the Cuenca basin (approx. 500,000 inhab..): Estudo Hidrologico.

Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo BID
Italy 2000 Pipeline EUR-ACILIA-Phase II° (Rome).

The project involves the construction of steel pipeline (dia. 1,200 mm, 6,5 km length) to the hydraulic connection of the EUR Water Centre and ACILIA Water Centre.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Angola 1999 Saneamento basico da cidade de Luanda (Luanda).

Technical Assistance activities to the identification of water supply and sewerage systems rehabilitation projects in Luanda to be financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Italy 1998 -1999 Monte Mario Water Centre (Rome)

The project involves the construction of two land filled water tanks in reinforced concrete for a total storage volume of 50,000 m3.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Angola 1998 Luanda Sewage Collection Project (Luanda)

Supervision of construction and equipment installation of the Luanda “Marginal area” sewage collection system and related sewage sea out fall.

Commissariado Provincal de Luanda
Italy 1997 Reform of the Italian Water Supply, Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment Service (“Water Act” Law n° 36/94 – Legge “Galli”)

Activities of Technical Assistance and Support for the accomplishment of the Italian Law for the Reform of the Water Services (“Galli ” Law), which has as its objectives the introduction of entrepreneurial forms of management of the Integrated Water Services (water resource, water supply systems, sewerage systems, treatments etc.).

ANCITEL spa (Italy, Rome)
Italy 1997 Pipeline EUR-ACILIA-Phase I (Rome)

The project involves the construction of a steel pipeline (dia. 1,200 mm, 6 km length) to the hydraulic connection of the EUR Water Centre and ACILIA Water Centre.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 1996 Pipeline Mola Cavona-S. Palomba (Rome)

The project involves the construction of an iron cast pipeline dia. 1200 mm of Mola Cavona-S. Palomba aqueduct.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Tanzania 1994 - 1996 Maswa District Water Supply Project (Maswa District)

Supervision of construction and equipment installation of the Maswa District Water Supply Project.

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Rome)
Italy 1995 Development of the rural areas in the territory of the IX Mountain Community (Tivoli)

Feasibility Studies and Detailed Design for the rehabilitation of the Capo d’Acqua spring (10 l/s) and of the pipeline in Marcellina municipality.

IX Comunita Montana (Tivoli, Italy)
Italy 1993 -1995 EUR water centre (Rome)

The project involves the construction of Eur water centre. The EUR water centre consists of a steel ring tank with a capacity of 1,700 mc, 68 m above the ground, with an external dia. of 34 m and a rectangular section of 4.0×5.5 m.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 1994 Pipeline Oriolo-Allumiere (Rome)

The project involves the construction of Oriolo-Tolfa- Allumiere aqueduct (steel pipeline dia. 200/150 mm 53 km length).

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)
Italy 1991 Pipeline Aranova-Maccarese (Rome)

The project involves the construction of a steel pipeline dia.500/400 mm, 10.5 Km long for the supplying of Aranova, Torrimpietra and Maccarese areas.

ACEA S.p.A. (Rome, Italy)