
About sws-consulting-admin

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So far sws-consulting-admin has created 61 entries.

Kosovo: Provision of A&E Services for Water Capabilities and Water Well, Camp Novo Selo

The activity includes the execution of geological survey and water well stress tests suitable to verify the quality and quantity of the water wells, capable to meet the increasing demand for water by the camp population. The survey/site assessment includes investigative works and tests.

Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage System Rehabilitation Work (Tirana-Albania)

The project entails the Preliminary and Final design of the Tirana selected water supply and sewerage systems remedial works.The Lot 2 project includes the rehabilitation of the following main selected sewage facilities: Goge, Irfan Tomini, Selita areas.

Technical Assistence for the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The overall objective of the project is the provision of consultancy to develop a deeper understanding on the Afghanistan’s rural water sector development needs and recommend actions to improve the sector and its agencies’ performance to deliver services to the communities using “CDD approach” (that include institutional systems, monitoring systems, participation of community etc).

Water Resources Development Investment Program (WRDIP)-Tranche 1 – Detail Design of the Nangarhar Irrigation system and flood protection

Final design and Bidding Documents preparation of the rehabilitation and upgrading of the NVDA irrigation system (component 1), main canal, secondary structures, and larger tertiary structures serving about 25,000 ha. Final design and Bidding Documents preparation for the Northern Basins Program & Flood Management Program (component 2). Supervision of works, of the above two (2) contracts packaging.

Feasibility study, final design and tender documents preparation for the construction works of the water supply systems of n° 7 town/villages. FWC BENEF 2013 Lot 2 – Transport and Infrastructures.

Feasibility study, final design and tender documents preparation for the construction works of the water supply systems of n° 7 town/villages of Republique of Tchad, in particular Abougoudam, Goz Beida, Ba Illi, Linia, Bere, Bebedja, Bedjondo

Consultancy Services for the Supervsion of Work of the Sigor Wey-Wey integrated development project.

Supervision of works of the Integrated reclamation works over an area of 3,500 ha, including: flood control, irrigation and road works, rural centers, aqueducts and sewerage systems.

Technical Assistance to the Government of St. Maarten for the programming of the 11th EDF. FWC BENEF 2013 Lot 2 – Transport and Infrastructures

Technical Support to the St. Maarten Government concerning a joint funding of centralised wastewater treatment facility in the Cole Bay area, and to provide timely preparation and submission of programming documents (Draft Identification Fiche and Action Document) that may lead to the commitment of EDF funds.

Supervision of Works and Safety Coordination in Execution Phase for Reabilitation of Water and Sanitation Systems of Kirandich Basin and Capacity Building

The project is made of three components: Water Supply systems for Kabarnet town; Sewerage system and waste water management plant in Kabarnet; Extraordinary rehabilitation of Kirandich rockfill dam. Supervision of Works according to the Contract, Quality control of Works carried out; Cost Control of the Civil Works Contract; Taking-over of the completed Works; Health and Safety control on sites and the Environmental issues and Capacity Building in Training of Personnel to strengthen the capabilities of technical staff. EIA and EMP preparation.

Technical Assistance in: (i) Management and Supervision of the FIDIC type Civil Works contract (-s) for the project component “Construction of the main sewerage collector in Mogilev town”, (ii) Training of the Employer’s Personnel to work under FIDIC procedures.

The objective of this assignment is to provide technical consulting for the FIDIC management of the Project and training services to the Client’s Personnel and the relevant Supervision Bodies involved in FIDIC type contract(s) execution. Task 1. Consultancy Services for the purpose of FIDIC type Civil Works Contract(s) Supervision and Management; Task 2. Training of Personnel to work in accordance with FIDIC procedures.

Viet Nam Water Sector Investment Program Multi-Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) – Water Supply System for, Dien Ngoc Urban areas. Supervision of Works (ADB Loan No. 3251-VIE)

The supervision of works includes two main investment components: Component 1: Construction of water supply system Dien Nam Dien Ngoc urban area; (vi) Component 2: Expansion of Tam Hiep water supply system.