
About Ars2

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So far Ars2 has created 107 entries.
  • 39
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    Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage System Rehabilitation Work (Tirana-Albania)

    Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage System Rehabilitation Work (Tirana-Albania)

    The project entails the Preliminary and Final design of the Tirana existing water supply and sewerage systems remedial works.The Lot 1 project includes the rehabilitation of the following main selected water supply facilities: drinking water springs areas (Shen Meri, Selita and Bovilla) and Tirana main water storage system (i.e. Tirana Tank, Partitari, Kinostudio, Pupil, Kombinat and Brigade palate water tanks).

      Santa Teresa Port (Salerno)

      Preliminary and Final Design of the Santa Teresa Port extension.The project included construction of a new breakwater for the existing quay protection, total length of 110 m with a height ranging from of 3–5 m.

        Vlora Port Improvement Works

        Identification and appraisal of the improvement works of the Vlora Port. The project is aimed at the port’s infrastructure improvement by the dredging and reclamation of water basin, construction of a new quay structure (110 m) and ferry berth (120 m) others ancillary structures, for a total investment amount of 30 M€.

          Technical Assistance to the ACEA spa water utility (Roma)

          • Vääna
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            Technical assistence for Vaana River Basin Water Management Project

            Technical assistence for Vaana River Basin Water Management Project

            Preliminary design of the wastewater treatment plant of the Metsanurme, Suurupi, Killi, Huruu and Paekna cities (25,000 PE), to protect the Vaana River by urban pollution discharge.

              Shen Meri-Qaf Molle Water System Rehabilitation

              Preliminary Design, Final Design and Tender Documents preparation for the rehabilitation of Shen Mery-Qaf Molle water supply pipe line (DN 700 mm).

              • 35
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                Technical Assessment and Final Design for coastal Wastewater Treatment Plants

                Technical Assessment and Final Design for coastal Wastewater Treatment Plants

                Feasibility Study and Final Design of WWTP’s facilities for the coastal cities of Durres, Lezhe and Saranda (340,000 inhab.).

                • barrios_luanda
                  Permalink Gallery

                  Abastecimento e uso comunitário da agua e saneamento residual dos bairros suburbanos de Luanda (Luanda)

                  Abastecimento e uso comunitário da agua e saneamento residual dos bairros suburbanos de Luanda (Luanda)

                  Feasibility study and Detailed Design of the water supply and sewerage system of the “bairro suburbanos” of the Luanda town (750,000 inhab.).

                    Lunghezza Urbanization Project

                    Detail Design of the primary urbanization works on the Lunghezza area including roads and sewer systems (100 ha extension).

                      Locone Water Supply System (Bari)

                      Final Design of Locone water supply pipeline (DN 1600 mm, approx. 40 km length).